Meet Farmher Bekah.

Welcome to Bekah’s Backyard.

I’m Farmher Bekah.

I have chickens, ducks, honeybees, dogs, cats, one goldfish, and a jungle of a garden.

I was not raised on a farm. In fact, growing up in the city, I did not even have a backyard as a child!

In 2019, my son was diagnosed with failure to thrive. He needed surgery to get a feeding tube. While we were going through feeding therapy as a family, to help our sweet boy learn to eat, I made the leap to get chickens and start a garden. I was confident that if my son could see where his food came from, and could participate in the growing and harvesting, that he would eat it and love it.

Now we are all nourished by the hundreds of pounds of food that I grow each year, fresh eggs, honey straight from the backyard, herbs, and more! And I only have 1 acre!!

I am passionate about saving seeds, soil health, making natural products, and enjoying delicious food.

I want to teach you how to protect your soil, grow and preserve your own food, and offer you small batch beeswax products made with love.

Thanks for being here,
Farmher Bekah